Saturday, July 2, 2011

July 1 2011

Friday nogi

Almost no one showed tonight.  Ended up being myself, Andy, Vaughn and Neil (blue).  Neil looks so much like Sam Mcpheeters from the punk band Born Against that I almost think it IS him, and he’s infiltrating BJJ to expose its sexist, racist, homophobic, capitalist, patriarchal, anti-womyn biases.  Then I remember I’m not 16 anymore.

Andy showed a bunch of leg attacks that made me feel both stupid and fearful.  Stupid because I cannot perform them adequately and scared because I invariably have knee probs after nights where we “work legs.”  Still Andy’s such a good teacher and the stuff is so important to having a well rounded game that I gradually felt myself warm up to a few of the holds. 

Rolls: Got Andy first.  Mounted no offense.  Got subbed from Andy’s crucifix. Never passed his guard.  Moved okay, didn’t totally walk into any sweeps. 

Next Vaughn.  He started off tapping me pretty quick by falling back for the knee bar.  I decided then and there that I hate tapping to those even more than Collin’s one-handed guillotines, and resolved to avoid getting caught with them in the future.  Caught him with a darce from side after I believe passing his guard.  A little bit later he almost caught me from half guard with a darce by dragging my defending arm all the way across my body.  If he would have used gable grips to bring me in instead of going directly to darce grips, he would have had me.   Instead I was able to get my hand and wrist on the inside.  Good back and forth with Vaughn as always.

Last roll, I got Andy again, and though you may not believe it dear diary, this roll went pretty well.  Still got caught, I can’t remember with what, but I used Andy’s butterfly half do get full guard back. Felt awesome. We both kind of chuckled when I did it.  Also I passed his guard once with the Tozi pass.  Need to brush up on this pass and a few others and stick it back in the arsenal.  

Actually I forgot, I did a little light rolling with Vaughn after this.  I was trying to work x-guard against a standing opponent, he let me go, then when i went to stand against him, he did this awesome sweep that wasn't x guard but seems possibly better.  Will have to ask him what that was.  He also showed a couple unique ways to attack turtle where you get double underhooks and just roll forward over the guys head, pulling him over you and setting up back attacks after you've put the hooks in. MUST remember to try this,  it seems too basic and easy to NOT be effective.  Then Andy started showing how he sets up the crucifix from turtle.  I was pretty wiped,so i'm not sure how much I remember, will have to get him to go over it with me again. All in all, a great night of rolling, despite the small turn out.     

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